I get it. I really, really do. This movie junkie gets the whole hype behind Twilight. I get the anticipation. I get the devotion to Edward or Jacob or even Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, or one of the wolf pack. I am not ashamed of my loyalty to The Twilight Saga. I may even be what some call a Twi-Mom. I discuss the story with my best friend. We swoon and giggle like we are two twelve year olds. We saw Twilight together and came back grinning like fools and no, we weren't drinking.
Having said that, I do agree that Twilight is very cheesy, corny, and dragged on and stretched out to the point of beating a dead horse. It is filmed poorly, the make up and eye contacts are awful, and for crying out loud, someone PLEASE TELL KRISTIN STEWART TO WAKE UP!!! And the whole sparkling vampire thing...it looks like a teen leftover from a bad rave and a bad trip.
But I still get it. What's not to get. I was one of those swooning teeny boppers back in the eighties. It was a little movie called The Lost Boys. A vampire movie that made vampires so very sexy. And my main vampire was David, played by Kiefer Sutherland.
He was evil, he wore black, he had a bleached blond spiky mullet thing happening, he drove a motorcycle, he led his sexy gang of the undead. David was the ultimate vampire. He didn't sparkle, he burned in sunlight. His eyes glowed, his skin became taut, and his teeth grew when he was ready to feed. He slept all day and partied all night. He would never grow old. He made it fun to be a vampire. He made it hot. He made it sexy. And this fan wanted him to swoop down and bite her neck and make her one of his gang. (Or drink his blood, which seemed to be the way to turn someone in this case).
Kiefer Sutherland turned the whole vampire image around. The whole vampire culture was no longer about being a rabid, thoughtless monster. People everywhere began to see vampires as these enchanting creatures of the night. Both good and evil.
The nineties bought us Interview With a Vampire. More sexiness to the vampire lifestyle. It's the only movie where I can say that Tom Cruise is sexy. And I would never argue about Brad Pitt or Antonio Banderas' appeal in that movie. Again, people across the nation wished vampires
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