Friday, February 4, 2011

Last Night, I Had a Dream....

Ever have one of those dreams that stay with you when you wake up? It haunts you? Lingers in little bits and pieces in your mind? Maybe you woke with a scream in your throat or out of breath?

That was me. Last night, I had the strangest dream. It involved a mysterious secret that I had to protect. Though what that secret was, I have no clue. There was sneaking around, some shooting, hiding, bad guys, running, Betty White, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Maeby from Arrested Development.

Weird? Yeah, you bet.

It started with me in a hospital room of some sort. Betty White was in the bed. I was watching over her with Joey, Chandler, and Monica. By the way, Joey was rocking his George Clooney salt and pepper hair.

Anyway, poor Betty died. And we were upset because she was supposed to tell us something that was top secret and she never got the chance too.

Next thing I know, we are running through a dark forest. Something or someone was chasing us. We get blocked by a wall in which we start to climb. Let's just say poor Chandler didn't make it to the other side of the wall and Monica pretty much collapsed in a fit of hysterics.

The next thing I remember is trying to break into files on a computer with Joey. The secret that Betty took with her was in the computer. Again, not sure what this secret is or why I'm risking my life. But Joey was killing the whole hacking into the computer thing. Who knew he was so smart?

We were just about to get the file we needed when someone comes and busted up the computer.

Then, the dream gets weird, involving car chases and dolls and hiding people in basements. Yeah, I know. Makes no sense to me either. But eventually I ended up at the door of some sort of factory with a bunch of people. We were sneaking in and Maeby from Arrested Development has a key. She was supposed to go off with her boyfriend with this key (which would unlock the secret) while the rest of us was supposed to go to some room at the top of the factory and wait.

But I had a weird vibe about Maeby's boyfriend and followed them. Turned out I was right. He killed Maeby and we were running throughout the factory trying to get away from him.

That's when I woke up. A scream in my throat and out of breath. And "Thank You For Being a Friend" playing in my head.

So...this dream can only mean one of two things:

The end of the world is coming and it will begin with the deaths of three celebrities.


I watch way too much friggin' television.

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