Monday, April 4, 2011

A Fascinating Creature

Every so often, I stumble upon a movie and I am completely sucked in. Can't take my eyes away. And it might not be that the movie on a whole is such a fantastic movie. Maybe it's the scenery. Or the costumes. It could be one actor/actress. The haunting music. But with Splice, it was different. I was completely engrossed with the star character of the movie...a creature named Dren. Splice is a science fiction movie, starring Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as scientists who decide to play God. They somehow meld together the DNA of different species with human DNA...and Dren is born. As with most science fiction (and apparently with vampire/human hybrids), baby creatures tend to grow at a rapid speed. Not sure why. I wish they would back this super growth spurt up with some believable science it happens, Dren goes from armless, naked, kangaroo mole (a kangamole? a molaroo?) to little elphant man girl to a beautiful, odd, deformed, haunting, sad young woman...who is bald with her eyes spaced far apart, her feet like talons, her legs bending in different ways, and a tail with a venomous stinger.

But she's still beautiful. And I couldn't stop watching. Despite the tired, same old same old script, the weak storylines with the occastional plot holes, and the over acting by Adriend Brody and under acting by Sarah Polley. This movie lies solely in the hands of who ever envisioned Dren...who ever had the imagination to bring her to film.

And Delphine Chaneac. This is Delphine Chaneac: Though there was a lot of computer effects added to her, she still shone through as the teen/adult Dren. Her smile was beautiful, but sad. Her facial expressions showed the creature's confused sorrow and the very rare delight. Without words, she just was something else to watch. So....graceful, despite the alien features. My heart really went out to Dren's character. I am completely impressed by Delphine and the creators of Dren.

If you want to watch the movie, but don't want to be spoiled by seeing a picture of Dren close up...stop reading now. Don't scroll down. I would advise to just watch the movie. Be taken in by the fascinating creature. By Delphine's subtle emotions. By the make up and FX department's genius. The movie isn't that bad either, despite what I said about weak story and acting. It's still entertaining. Enjoy it for what it is. BUT...



If you're curious to see Dren's beautiful, but odd face up she is:

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