Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday's Three Line Review

Ok. So I decided to bring back Thursday Three Line Review. Mainly because I really want to write something, but kind of stumped. This makes it easy. Like a teacher giving you an essay assignment on what you did over the summer vacation.

Here's how it works: On Thursday I list the movies I've watched in the past few days. Sometimes there will be lots. Sometimes not that many. Depends on how busy I am. Then, after each title, I ramble a Three Lines.

And here we go:

Entertaining. Not sure if I believe the documentary is real. You can read a whole post on this in my last Blog entry.

I really thought the casting was very interesting with Samuel L. Jackson, The Rock, Michael Keaton, Will Ferrell, and Mark Wahlberg. Unfortunately, this movie is a huge let down. Not funny at all and no one was used to their potential.

127 HOURS-
Oscar Nominated movie, but did it really deserve the nomination? Wonderful filming and editing. Great Soundtrack. James Franco was impressive.

One of my all time favorite movies. I can watch it again and again. Great true story that is just really entertaining and wonderfully cast.

With Josh Brolin and John Malkovich, I really expected more. Not a great movie, but not that bad either. Worth the watch if you have nothing to do and nothing else is on t.v., but not worth the bucks if you need to rent it.

Was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Very light with a spiritual message. Gotta love the scenes of the food in Italy.

Overall, if you're looking for something to watch, I recommend 127 Hours. I will talk more about that movie when I finish watching all the nominated movies. I only have two more to go.

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