Monday, January 17, 2011

My Daughter Gets It

I am a beaming, proud Movie Junkie Mama right now. I do believe my daughter gets it. She gets and appreciates the movies and the people who bring it all together.

It's Award Season. Last night was the Golden Globes. I have many memories of watching the Golden Globes and the Oscars with my mother as a very young child. It was a time before flat screen, crystal clear tvs. It was a 19 inch on some rickety stand and rabbit ears and Reynolds Wrap to make the picture come in clear. I'm not even sure the Golden Globes was on regular channels. I'm pretty sure it started on TBS. I could be wrong. Feel free to educate me on this one in the comments section.

It was a time before the hours of Red Carpet on E! Channel. It was more about the people and less about the fashion. Unless you were Cher. Everyone wanted to know what Cher was going wear.

Now, it's an all day thing. It's like the Superbowl. And I love it. I have carried the love for the movies, the people, and even the fashion into the new millennium. I buy snacks and make sure my fuzzy Hello Kitty Blanket is clean and ready to be snuggled with on the couch. My husband knows to either join me or leave me alone. The tv is mine. Even if the Jets are in the playoffs, find another tv to watch it on.

This year, I wanted to see if my kids would be into it. After all, I was about their age when I started watching the Awards with my mother. I was about their age when I started to recognize faces in different movies. So, over lunch, I explained to them what the Golden Globes is. I didn't get into the whole Hollywood Foreign Press thing, because quite frankly, who cares. I don't. I just want to see my favorites win. I don't care who nominates them. So, I told them about how they watch tv and movies and pick the best and then one of the best gets the big award for being the best of the best.

My daughter pondered for a minute while eating her Peanut Butter and Jelly. And then, she began to amaze me.

"Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp should get the award."

I didn't even know that she knew who Johnny Depp was. And I questioned that.

"Yeah. He's the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland. That movie should get the award too. That's my favorite movie. He's also Jack Sparrow. And Willy Wonka. And he looks so different."

Then my son chimed in, amazed that this man:

is this man:

and this man:

and this man:

"And he was in that Imagination movie, Mom. You know...Imagination of Doctor Someone..."
Yes. He step in for Heath Ledger and transformed himself into the character that Heath Ledger created.

I explained to my son that Johnny Depp is an actor that loves to dress up as different characters. He loves make up and costumes and making himself different in every role. Making himself unrecognizable.

Then, my son asked if he's the "pizza man". And I was baffled. "What pizza man?" I never get the door when the pizza man delivers. I was beginning to wonder if there was a Johnny Depp look-a-like working for Papa John's. Or a Jack Sparrow wannabe. Maybe a Willy Wonka weirdo?

"You know...the guy with the make up in that movie with the pizza face and the knives for fingers..." my son explained.

Ahhhh....Freddie Kruger. No. He's not Freddie Kruger. And then I remembered...the young and innocent Johnny Depp.

"But he's in that movie!!" I exclaimed and told them that it was his first movie role and he was very young and yes...the pizza man does him in.

"Man! Johnny Depp is in EVERYTHING!" my son yelled, happy for a man he didn't know existed minutes before.

My daughter went back to insisting that Johnny Depp just must win. He's that good of an actor. And I loved it. I loved that she seemed to understand that the award goes for someone who is versatile and thoroughly entertaining. Not the hottie and the fashionable. Not the Edward Cullens or the Jonas Brothers or the High School Musical teeny boppers. No iCarly or Wizards of Waverly Place or Hannah Montana.

She is way more advanced in movie viewing than I was when I was her age. I watched the award shows hoping to see Han Solo/Indiana Jones. I hoped Ricky Schroeder would win for Silver Spoons. I didn't get it, until years later.

But my daughter. She gets it.

I need to rent more Johnny Depp movies and introduce her to this:

or even this:

And this morning I remembered that he is the voice of Jack Kahuna Laguna on Spongebob:

I told my son, because he wants to be an animator when he grows up. He was beyond amazed.

"Johnny Depp is awesome!!!"

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