Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Time!!!

It's Oscar Time, Baby!!! This is my Superbowl!!!! Instead of beer, I got my wine. Instead of cooking, I get take out. Thinking Five Guys Burgers tonight. What do you think? Nothing like a great burger and wine while I critique the outfits on the red carpet and root for my faves.

Of course, I did not get to see all the nominees, as usual. I don't actually get out to the movies that often anymore. So, I put all the nominees for best picture on my Netflix and gradually watch them. There are just so many nominees lately...which kind of irks me. And it's too expensive to see them all in the family. Where I'm from, the average movie ticket is like 12 bucks now!! CRAZY!!

And, I have kids. Having kids make it harder to see movies that don't involve a cartoon in some way or form. Plus, when we do have the time and money I will choose Harry Potter over a Black Swan. Sad, but true.

So there are 10 nominees this year for Best Picture. A bit much if you ask me.

Black Swan
The Fighter
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
127 Hours
The Social Network
Toy Story 3
True Grit
Winter's Bone

Out of the above titles, I have see 3 of them so far. Inception. The Kids Are All Right. Toy Story 3. And out of those 3 titles, so far I'm rooting for Toy Story 3. I really was not impressed with Inception or The Kids Are All Right in an Academy Award Winning view. Don't get me wrong. The movies were enjoyable. But...are they really worthy of the nomination?

I'll have to get back to you when I have watched all 10 movies. Which I will. I did it last year, and I'll do it again this year. And I will give my views and opinions. You will learn then why I don't think Inception or The Kids Are All Right should have been nominated, even though I enjoyed them.

Here's to a Happy Oscar Night!!! I'm really looking forward to it!! Who are you rooting for?

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